Thursday, December 18, 2008

Learn the value of Twitter

Twitter is the latest web 2.0 product that is catching on like wildfire. I have been working on convincing my church community world to get on board. Right now, its not in the top 2 (MySpace and Facebook) social networks but it's coming. Unlike MySpace, you do not have to create and decorate a page. Unlike Facebook, you do not have to type a lot of text -in fact, Twitter will only allow you to type 120 characters, so the shorter the better.

To help you get started, I wanted to share with you that I listened to a great blogcast hosted by my friend Pam Perry of the Chocolate Pages network featuring Warren Whitlock and Sherese Duncan. They shared tips that will enable you to understand Twitter and why you should be "tweeting" right now! Check it out at


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