Monday, September 29, 2008

Nov. 13th - Professional Photo Shoot

As a part of my Excellence Conference I am hosting my 3rd Professional Photo Shoot. These photo shoots are incredible! If you have never had the opportunity to parcipate in a professional photo shoot with hair, makeup and styling, you don't know what you are missing!

Let me tell you, this is a seed that I sow along with some other ministry minded friends. With that stated, the fee is only $350 for one person and $500 for a couple. You can't beat it. Reach out to my offices for more information or to register!!!!

The Ware Agency ATLANTA


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Barack Obama

Hey friends! I just gave my first donation EVER to a political candidate. Well, that's not true. I supported my friend Doreen with a $25 donation when she ran for city council last year :). Anyway, join me in supporting Barack Obama for President. No donation is too small!
