Walking by faith is something that we all must do! I'm excited to share my most recent article based on this requirement. Please read and comment. Thanks! Robin
January 28, 2009 Hide Comments (6 comments) Add Comment Print Article E-mail to a Friend
Walking By Faith
Robin Ware
Walking by faith is one of the shortest and yet most powerful sentences a believer can say. As a single woman over the age of 40 and small business owner, this is my life's testimony. The world wants you to believe that there is something wrong with a life like mine because I'm still single and childless.
They want you to believe that if you aren't keeping up with the Joneses and that you aren't living a fulfilled life. Pretty hilarious, huh? I know that I'm God's best and as I walk by faith, He is completing me as I joyfully tell my teasers that my life is more complete than theirs.
As you walk out your dreams, here are some great tips to ensure that walking by faith is an enjoyable experience:
1. Pray that God will reveal to you his desires for your life. It's a mature walk when you can honestly confess to God that you want his desires to be your desires and to break you until you're walking in harmony.
2. Become disciplined in your time with God. Be honest with yourself and admit you aren't studying enough and you aren't sure how to study. Consider a bible reading program that will direct you to read the Bible in a Year.
You have it in you to do this. 2 Timothy 2:15 teaches us to "be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".
3. Surround yourself with others that are walking by faith in this season. As a Girl Scout, I was taught to make new friends but keep the old; it's the same concept. It's time to grow in all areas of your life this year. Don't be afraid to cut sub-tractors, distractors, and whiners out of your life.
4. Celebrate others when their harvests arrive. It's a great sign that you are next!
5. Sow where you want to grow. Find a mentor and devote (sow) time to work with them. Work with a servant's heart. Be committed, dedicated and trustworthy.
As you walk by faith, you will strengthen your belief and grow in confidence in knowing that you can be all that God said you could be no matter where you began your journey. You will now understand that challenges are merely new opportunities for you to reach your greatness.
Finally, your life will truly be blessed. Everything that you touch will provide you with a blessed life and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Robin Ware Robin Ware is a certified meeting planner and marketing consultant to a number of churches throughout the U.S and abroad. She is the author of Hosting Church Folk, and is the President of The Ware Agency. For more information about Robin, log onto www.thewareagency.com.
© Robin Ware all rights reserved.
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This was absolutely beautiful.
posted by Iyalorde @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thank you so much for your article today. It is right on target for me. There are many things I need to change so that I may have a closer walk with God. What you said shows me what changes need to be made and how to go about it.
posted by jkelley68 @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Robin Ware, I really need to hear, and read this devotional today. I thought that I was not doing what I was suppose to do, but now I have conformation that I am doing the right thing walking by faith and not by sight. Be a business owner in my early 40's and childless, I know that GOD IS ABLE to do what he said he would do. Thanks and God Bless.
posted by 7 ANGELS @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What an awesome message this morning. I so very much enjoy getting my Streaming Faith Daily Devotional, and today was my day to hear a word from the Lord! Walking by Faith, wow! God is so good, because every time I have a question, if I don't hear directly from God, He has someone waiting for me to come by to let me know His answer. This morning was one of those days to hear from Him and from someone else, what a confirmation!
My biggest question to God has been, where do I fit in in His plan. Waiting for Him to show me has been one of the harder things for me to do. God has brought me so far in the past several months. At times it has been hard and very painful, but the rewards have far exceeded the growth.
Sister Robin Ware, Thank You for "hearing" God speak to you, if this devotional touches no one else, it HAS touched me this morning. You spoke the words God wanted me to hear today. God bless you!
posted by vromga @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ms. Ware, thank you for such an awesome Word from God. As I read your article, I felt as if I was reading my own life on that page. Thank you.
posted by sambblack @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bravo to a fellow sister-in-arms! I am 29, single and don't find myself dreaming of kids and a house in the suburbs. I don't struggle with finding time for God and the New Testament even says it's best to remain single. There! How you like them apples? Can someone tell the Christian community and my grandmother that single people are not diseased!
posted by cagstina @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009