Thursday, May 21, 2009
New BLOG site
Excellence Matters...!
Robin M. Ware
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Excellence Matters
Please hear my heart... It is imperative that you have professional photos to use for marketing purposes. Sorry but Glamour Shots do not cut it. Here's my new photo! Each year, for branding purposes I use a new photo. It's important that you identify an image and use it ON EVERYTHING!!! Can you change out the photo? Yes but only after 6 to 8 months. People have to get used to you and for indentification purposes, it's important to keep it consistent.
Speaking of branding, my new site is launching in a few days. It is It's going to feature my blog posts and information on my new mentoring sessions.
Excellence Matters...!
Robin M. Ware COMING IN DAYS!!!
Author of Hosting Church Folk, The Administrator, Excellence in Event Planning. Get your copies today!!! Save the date for November 12-14, 2009 for the 2009 Excellence Conference - excellence matters!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Professional Photo Shoot March 12th
The shoot includes professional makeup by Gwynnis Mosby, professional photography with lighting and various backdrops by Marie Thomas and a professional clothing stylist! Your photos will be taken in two looks (outfits) that our stylist will assist you in coordinating based on your needs.
Bonus: Pencilworx Design Group will be on hand to discuss your marketing needs. They specialize in branding, website design and logo creation.
We only have 10 slots available! Reserve your slot by clicking on the link below. Once you register by paying in full, one of our team members will contact you to schedule your shoot time and provide you with directions to the shoot location. Please allow 3 to 4 hours in your schedule for this awesome opportunity.
REGISTER NOW!!! Call our offices at 678.618.6264...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Walk By Faith - Streaming Faith Article #2
Walking by faith is something that we all must do! I'm excited to share my most recent article based on this requirement. Please read and comment. Thanks! Robin
January 28, 2009 Hide Comments (6 comments) Add Comment Print Article E-mail to a Friend
Walking By Faith
Robin Ware
Walking by faith is one of the shortest and yet most powerful sentences a believer can say. As a single woman over the age of 40 and small business owner, this is my life's testimony. The world wants you to believe that there is something wrong with a life like mine because I'm still single and childless.
They want you to believe that if you aren't keeping up with the Joneses and that you aren't living a fulfilled life. Pretty hilarious, huh? I know that I'm God's best and as I walk by faith, He is completing me as I joyfully tell my teasers that my life is more complete than theirs.
As you walk out your dreams, here are some great tips to ensure that walking by faith is an enjoyable experience:
1. Pray that God will reveal to you his desires for your life. It's a mature walk when you can honestly confess to God that you want his desires to be your desires and to break you until you're walking in harmony.
2. Become disciplined in your time with God. Be honest with yourself and admit you aren't studying enough and you aren't sure how to study. Consider a bible reading program that will direct you to read the Bible in a Year.
You have it in you to do this. 2 Timothy 2:15 teaches us to "be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth".
3. Surround yourself with others that are walking by faith in this season. As a Girl Scout, I was taught to make new friends but keep the old; it's the same concept. It's time to grow in all areas of your life this year. Don't be afraid to cut sub-tractors, distractors, and whiners out of your life.
4. Celebrate others when their harvests arrive. It's a great sign that you are next!
5. Sow where you want to grow. Find a mentor and devote (sow) time to work with them. Work with a servant's heart. Be committed, dedicated and trustworthy.
As you walk by faith, you will strengthen your belief and grow in confidence in knowing that you can be all that God said you could be no matter where you began your journey. You will now understand that challenges are merely new opportunities for you to reach your greatness.
Finally, your life will truly be blessed. Everything that you touch will provide you with a blessed life and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
Robin Ware Robin Ware is a certified meeting planner and marketing consultant to a number of churches throughout the U.S and abroad. She is the author of Hosting Church Folk, and is the President of The Ware Agency. For more information about Robin, log onto
© Robin Ware all rights reserved.
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This was absolutely beautiful.
posted by Iyalorde @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Thank you so much for your article today. It is right on target for me. There are many things I need to change so that I may have a closer walk with God. What you said shows me what changes need to be made and how to go about it.
posted by jkelley68 @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Robin Ware, I really need to hear, and read this devotional today. I thought that I was not doing what I was suppose to do, but now I have conformation that I am doing the right thing walking by faith and not by sight. Be a business owner in my early 40's and childless, I know that GOD IS ABLE to do what he said he would do. Thanks and God Bless.
posted by 7 ANGELS @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What an awesome message this morning. I so very much enjoy getting my Streaming Faith Daily Devotional, and today was my day to hear a word from the Lord! Walking by Faith, wow! God is so good, because every time I have a question, if I don't hear directly from God, He has someone waiting for me to come by to let me know His answer. This morning was one of those days to hear from Him and from someone else, what a confirmation!
My biggest question to God has been, where do I fit in in His plan. Waiting for Him to show me has been one of the harder things for me to do. God has brought me so far in the past several months. At times it has been hard and very painful, but the rewards have far exceeded the growth.
Sister Robin Ware, Thank You for "hearing" God speak to you, if this devotional touches no one else, it HAS touched me this morning. You spoke the words God wanted me to hear today. God bless you!
posted by vromga @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ms. Ware, thank you for such an awesome Word from God. As I read your article, I felt as if I was reading my own life on that page. Thank you.
posted by sambblack @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Bravo to a fellow sister-in-arms! I am 29, single and don't find myself dreaming of kids and a house in the suburbs. I don't struggle with finding time for God and the New Testament even says it's best to remain single. There! How you like them apples? Can someone tell the Christian community and my grandmother that single people are not diseased!
posted by cagstina @ Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
40 Days of Prayer and Consecration
Excellence Matters
william h. Murphy, iii, lead Pastor
40 DAYS of fasting, prayer and consecration…and The Word in One Year
Fourth Quarter
February 4 – February 13, 2009
Date | Daily Concentration | The Word in One Year | |
Wednesday, February 4th | Prayer Focus | Pray for Prosperity. Ps. 9:1, ps.150:2, Deut. 8:18 | Read Today… ____Exodus 19:16-21:21
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Thursday, February 5th | Prayer Focus | Pray to always walk in the boundaries that the Lord has assigned to us. Jeremiah 5:22 | Read Today… ____Exodus 21:22-23:13
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Friday, February 6th | Prayer Focus | Pray for the success of Business owners. Romans 8:17 and Colossians 1:12 | Read Today… ____Exodus 23:14-25:40
| EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Saturday, February 7th | Prayer Focus | Pray for vision to see the end of a thing. Habakkuk 2:3 | Read Today… ____Exodus 26:1-27:21
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Sunday, February 8th | Prayer Focus | Pray for Godly wisdom in the affairs of Life. James 1:5-6, Colossians 1:9, Proverbs 2:2 | Read Today… ____Exodus 28:1-43
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Monday, February 9th | Prayer Focus | We pray for Power of expectation, and new levels/dimensions of faith. 1 Samuel 17:36, Hebrews 11:7 | Read Today… ____Exodus 29:1-30:10
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Tuesday, February 10th | Prayer Focus | We pray for Favor with God and Man. Hebrews 11:6 | Read Today… ____Exodus 30:11-31:18
FAST | EAT Soup, salad, fruit, vegetables and water ONLY | ||
Wednesday, February 11th | Prayer Focus | We pray for Favor with God and Man. Hebrews 11:6 | Read Today… ____Exodus 32:1-33:23
Thursday, February 12th | Prayer Focus | We pray for boldness. Hebrews 10:19 | Read Today… ____Exodus 34:1-35:9
Friday, February 13th | Prayer Focus | Pray protection from Backlash of the enemy. Psalms 91 | Read Today… ____Exodus 35:10-36:38
Monday, January 19, 2009
Book Publishing ...dReams to Reality

I am an author. Be it on my own terms :). In October 2006, I attended a conference and heard Dr. Bridget Hilliard preach a sermon that spoke directly to me about pursuing dreams. She spoke that there were those of us who had books in us that needed to publish them. I knew that message was for me, but I began to talk myself out of it because of the following:
1. I didn't have the funds to do it. Excellence matters to me so I couldn't just print anything and put my name on it.
2. I didn't know a thing about publishing.
3. My favorite topics aren't popular among my audience of church folk (etiquette and hospitality).
Then I heard this from God:
1. Write the book and I'll make provide the funds.
2. Write the book, and I'll show you how to publish.
3. Write the book and I'll give you an audience.
Here's what happened:
1. I wrote the book and a friend agreed to edit it for free. She was an English major and did a great job.
2. I remembered that I had met a friend 8 months prior at a conference that was a book publisher. I reached out to her and she coached me through the book publishing process. Confused, I didn't really know which publishing option to pursue. It's difficult to predict your needs when you don't have ONE guaran

3. I added a tag line to my email signature announcing my book and the word began to spread terrifically! AND, the success of my books has led to the birth of me being a conference speaker and workshop presenter.
I now have written 3 books and produced 2 DVD's. I also host my own workshops and an annual conference.
So, you see, listen to God and walk in faith and the rest is history!
Excellence Matters!
Robin M. Ware - coming soon!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Professional Photo Shoot - Thursday, March 12th
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Debt Free

I just downloaded Suze Orman's 2009 Action Plan book for free on It's 277 pages of advice to guide me to financial freedom. As I was doing this, I began to think of all of the things in my life that have me bound. They are:
1. my debt.
2. my weight.
3. worry about the unknown.
As I began to seek God on these things, I'm quickly reminded that I don't have a terminal illness, I'm not wanted by the police and I have a wonderful and loving family. These three things that have my bound are nothing! I have a plan that I'm working so in the grand scheme of things, these three things are major time wasters for me. Consider them subtracted!
Remember...Excellence Matters!
Robin M. Ware - coming soon
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Streaming Faith article

© Robin Ware all rights reserved.